Hogan Assessment & Debrief

Building Strategic Self-Awareness for Success

Like having a good, honest talk about your career with a focus on how you can do better and feel more fulfilled. Think of it as a deep dive into what makes you tick at work, how others see you, and what really drives you. It's about getting a clear picture of your strengths, the areas you can improve, and how all that plays into your bigger career goals, whether that's becoming a better leader, finding a job that feels right, or just understanding yourself a bit more.

  • Understand your work style, operational strengths, and opportunities for development.

  • Understand how others perceive you at work - your leadership reputation.

  • Leverage this understanding to define and promote your reputation, take advantage of your natural strengths, and address risks to your success.

Heather dug deep into why I felt like I was at a crossroads in my career and helped me find the best path forward. It turns out I was on the right path – I just needed the reminder. I left every session feeling empowered and secure in my future. I would 100% recommend Pridemore Coaching to anyone who is looking for a career coach.

Adrienne R.


The Plan

Gain greater insight

Hogan Assessment: You will complete the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), the Hogan Development Survey (HDS), and the Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI), then receive three corresponding reports.

Debrief: We will schedule a 90-minute session to review the results and explore your job context, future goals, your natural strengths, values, and challenges you may face based on your work style and derailment risks.


By completing the assessments and participating in a debrief session, you will:

  • Better understand your leader reputation and how it may impact those who work with or for you.

  • Identify key strengths you can leverage and development opportunities you can address.

  • Learn about hidden strengths and weaknesses.

  • Determine how you can adapt your approach and manage your reputation.

  • Increase your strategic self-awareness to help you plan your career development and leverage your natural talents.

  • Explore how your job or potential roles align with your values, aiding both job seekers and currently employed in finding greater fulfillment and direction.

Hogan Assessment & Debrief

Let's Take the First Step: Start your self-discovery journey - book your session now and gain the insights you need to thrive.

Have any questions?

Don't hesitate to reach out and contact me - I'm here to help you on your unique journey toward personal and professional growth.